Sunday, July 26, 2009


Everything looks great. I'm going to go ahead and post the URL. Good Job.

Ok I think we are totally done! I think we both have to post the address on blackboard so I'll let you check the site one more time and then we can go ahead and post them.

Nice work :0)

I'll go ahead and make those changes and then we can post the webpage. Great work on the site!!


I think that we are DONE!! The only think that needs to be done is that the finle insperation web needs to be on the website. But I have all of my things done on the website. If you get your things done just let me know and i'll submit it or you can just let me know or we can both submit it. okay.. just let me know before midnight.


Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey i am having computer troubles.. so my computer is going to be fixed today. I may not get to the website today, but tomoroow I will get to it promise. LOL. The only thing I saw when I was looking the other day, was that the final insperation web has to be on the website and the ones that were on there was the other two.. i think, and that on the page that you create you must put created by Lindsey. Just minor things....


Thursday, July 23, 2009


I should be around late Friday afternoon if you have questions or want me to add/make changes to the site. Just let me know :0)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


OIC!!! I get it now. I will do much of the work to it on Friday. That happens to be the next day that I am the most free. So don't get worried. okay. I'll let you know if I have any questions.